1: Client Case Studies
See for yourself how people have used the training and strategies laid out in Optimize Your Video to make tens, hundreds of thousands, and even millions of dollars.

These insider’s case studies and blueprints show you winning video marketing funnels to help you generate ideas for success in your own video marketing. You’ll see video examples, screen shots, and details from successful 6 and 7 figure video marketing funnels in multiple niches.
Find out how successful video marketing campaigns come together with real world “over-the-shoulders” access to:
- 29+ million YouTube views with the exact visitor flow and traffic sources
- How clients integrate video presells and create video buzz in their market
- 20 million dollar video marketing funnel case studies
- Social media and Facebook Fan Page video marketing campaigns
- Maximizing upsell, downsell, and follow up video marketing
- Advanced video combination styles our clients are using
- Whiteboard animation video creation case studies and processes
- Engineering web video content with current and premium package offers
- Complete “video teaser tasting” formulas and the exact client sites
- Repurposing single videos for multiple syndication channels
- “Video fusion” funnels with opt-in rates of up 74%
- Exact blueprints and scripts of client videos for your own video scripts
- How to properly use “free training content” in video marketing
- Flowcharts of 6 and 7 figure product launch video sequences
2: Maximizing Video Response
Nothing is more crucial in web video creation than understanding direct response video strategies that work throughout a marketing funnel and how they work together.

In this module, you’ll get years and up to date insights on direct response video strategies convert traffic to leads and put money in your pocket. You get to see exact videos we’ve created and produced for clients… and over the shoulder examples of how to add simple techniques to videos for maximum impact. Here’s just a sample of what you get access to:
- How to optimize text, titles, and make key points stand out
- “Plug-n-Play” video script template generators
- How to combine talking head video with text or Power Point
- Complete web video production workflows
- How to tie product features and benefits into your videos
- Quick and easy ways to convert website copy into sales videos
- “Hot Button” response boosting video triggers
- How to create “Apple style” talking head videos
- Start frame tactics and call-to-action boosters
- Simple strategies to get more video testimonials
- How to display video testimonials for your audiences
- How to maximize fonts, colors, and visual elements
- Powerful subliminal background triggers
3: Video Creation Workflow
Step-by-step instructions for streamlined video production outsourcing and DIY video creation.

This module includes outsourcing tips, a rolodex of video creators and video marketing resources, and step-by-step blueprints on how you can easily have other companies on the web create video for you. You’ll save you thousands of dollars and costly mistakes as Scott covers what he’s learned from being on both the creator and client side of video production over the last 14 years and web video for the last 8 years. You’ll finally know:
- The right way to find and hire talent
- What to convey when outsourcing your video creation
- How to deal with freelancers, local and web video companies
You’ll see exactly how to turn complicated video creation into easy workflow processes. Scott has perfected lean workflows for cutting costs and turning out professional results fast. We cover all the angles with:
- How to convey your ‘call to action’ points
- How project time lines work
- Speeding up workflow and time lines
- Tips for web video integration
- Workflow tips for choosing stock images
- Maximizing the “video middleman” strategy
You’ll get access to our updated rolodex of web video creation companies for any budget and see where to get custom videos created for:
- Niche video templates
- Offline video creation
- Brandable and intro videos
- Custom web video creation
- Video marketing syndication
4: Production, Creation & Editing
If you’ve ever wanted to create a video sales letter, video based product, video training, or do your own video productions – but didn’t know how to start – this section is for you.

Learn the most coveted skills so that you can quickly and easily turn out promotional videos, screen capture video info products, video membership sites, video sales letters and talking head videos.
Whether producing for yourself or clients this training will save you hours of time and turn you into a video creation expert. You’ll have access to training that covers:
- “Multicasting” your video promos and information products
- Integrating graphics for Screenflow, Keynote, and general video content
- A-Z training on creating your own screen capture videos with Mac of PC
- Editing and adding effects to spice up and bring “visual life” to your content
- Combining Garage Band, iMovie, Screenflow, and Keynote workflow processes (Final Cut X training in final module)
- Best practices for creating, recording, encoding, and publishing video
- Tips, settings, tools, and best practices we recommend for
- Audio/video recording tips, setups, and workflows
- Creating, editing, and publishing screen capture videos
- Fast, cheap, and easy video creation blueprints
- Camtasia & Cam Studio screen capture video training
- How to create video sales letters with Power Point or Apple Keynote
- Creating builds, transitions, and effects for engaging presentations
With Scott also being an offline video producer, you’ll go behind the scenes of video production sets so you can see how it’s all done behind the scenes with:
- Professional “white backdrop” video studio setups
- The popular 2 camera “jump cut” editing tactic
- Professional video production set tours of Scott’s clients
- A-Z technical setups of video sets and how the final videos look
If you want to create standalone audio products, have good audio for your video, or just need to edit the audio of your current videos, you also get episodes that cover:
- Noise removal and getting rid of the popping “p” sounds
- Microphone placement, recording settings, and techniques
- Adding background music, using free audio software and recording tools
5: Video Marketing Syndication
Web video marketing, creation, and syndication is all the buzz right now in the new media and social revolution. Now you can harness that energy to reach new audiences.

See how to publish and syndicate targeted and response pulling marketing videos. You’ll find out how to get traffic to your videos and how to use the free and paid distribution video systems. Luckily it’s not as complicated as it sounds… you just need the right guidance to get rolling.
In these episodes, you’ll get the resources and tools to optimize your video marketing efforts including:
- Video mastermind sessions with top video marketing experts
- Highlighted bullet points of these video masterminds
- Webinar, Facebook, and SEO video marketing
- Advanced “Rapid Video”, “Video Snippets” and “Video Content” marketing
- Script blueprints for talking head video squeeze pages
- Easy to understand video marketing sequences
- Proven strategies for repurposing your content
- Ways to maximum response for talking head videos
- The quickest ways to make promo videos for your business
- Applying viral and direct response distribution strategies
- Underground video traffic generation techniques
- Submitting, tracking, and monitoring uploaded videos
- Best practices when creating videos for private licensing
- Establishing yourself as the authority on niche video sites
- Free and paid video distribution tools and reviews on each
- How to come up with video creation ideas
- Planning out the different elements of video creation
- Checklists to ensure your videos flow properly
- Different ways to add podcasts when just starting out
- How to make your video style appeal to your niche markets
6: Website Video Strategies
There are several ways to deploy video on the web. We’ll take the confusion out of the process so you can quickly and effortlessly leverage all forms of web video publishing.

Over the last 8 years we’ve worked with hundreds of clients to see what types of website video placement, call-to-action triggers, and optimization techniques work best.
You can use this module to immediately boost video loading time and increase conversion rates by using what we’ve discovered in our video labs. We’ll share this info so you can have a lifetime advantage over your competition with:
- Advanced walkthroughs of profitable client website layouts
- Our rolodex of free and paid video players and reviews of each
- Creating video landing pages with client examples and tools used
- Customizing video players, video popups, and offer pages
- Different Autoplay vs. Non-autoplay methods
- The best practices for multi-track video players
The optimization concepts taught in this module are the easiest to apply but also the most overlooked. Now you can have access to all these different techniques, including our:
- Video load optimization codes and tools
- Working templates for Web 2.0 style start images
- Lightbox video pop-up scripts for your sites
- Step-by-step guides on all forms of video publishing
The biggest video problem is a poorly optimized video with load times or buffering issues that creates lost sales and lower conversions. When you add video to a website, it should be optimized and embedded with a professional video player .We provide the right answers so your viewers can watch your videos without problems by showing you:
- Bandwidth and buffering
- Multiple formats and integration
- Proper sizing and direct embedding
- The uses for different types of players
- Mobile media video tactics, specs, and formats
You’ll see many of our clients’ successful examples; from landing pages, sales pages, and branding sites along with specific documentation so you have a lifetime advantage over your competition
7: Podcasting Creation
Podcasting is one of the keys to reaching the widest audience including portable media and mobile devices – we’ll show you how to do it.

Scott has co-developed free and paid iTunes Stores podcasts for clients. Josh owns a major podcast publishing platform used by several #1 iTunes podcasts and successful premium podcasters. We know a thing or two about podcasting… now you will too. Podcasting is “now”… not the future and your competition is taking the lead. In this module, you get access to:
- Blueprints to audio and video podcast marketing
- Complete overview of video marketing in the iTunes Store
- Podcast site directories, resources, and submission services
- “All-in-one” video publishing settings for podcasts and mobile media
- Podcast video creation for mobile media syndication
- Quicktime and iMovie podcast publishing tips
You can see how to integrate audio and video podcasts into your business instantly and see how to:
- Increase the perceived value of podcasts
- Delivering all your content through RSS feeds
- Publishing your content to the iTunes Store
- Selling “premium” podcasts and setting up paid podcast subscriptions
8: Royalty Free Video Creation
You get a complete rolodex of royalty-free video resources and instant download access to complete music collections, video marketing graphics, video player backgrounds, and brandable video intro templates so you can create income-generating videos straight away!

Add royalty-free video into your talking head, social media, and content-based promotional videos. These can add a professional touch to any video. The great thing about royalty-free content is that you can integrate it with any of the “Done-For-You” video creation solutions we recommend.
If you have a video that isn’t the best of quality, you can also add our :15-:30 intros to wake up your viewers! Each intro comes with brandable and non-brandable options including:
- Foods, Health, and Wellness Living
- Wealth Creation & Financial Markets
- Business, Sales, and Online Marketing
- Information Product Creation & E-Learning
- Motivational & Success Mindset
- Hollywood & YouTube
- Web 2.0 & New Media
- Big Business & Product Benefits
- Entertainment & Informational
- Social Network & Content Sharing
Not only do you get access to the above video intro templates, you can access our own extensive royalty-free rolodex whenever you want. Easily add this royalty-free content to any of your videos you’re creating or outsourcing. We constantly access and update this treasure chest, so regardless of your market, there’s plenty of links and resources for you, including:
- Music intros and complete tracks
- Brandable video intros
- Customizable video templates
- Green screen footage
- High Definition content
- Motion design templates
- Stock imagery and clip art
- Animations and effects
You’ll also see exactly how to “reverse engineer” these resources to come up with creative concepts, ideas, and scripts for your videos. With this little technique, you’ll never get stressed out about coming up with new ideas and content for videos.
9: Youtube Secrets
There are simple ways to maximize YouTube video marketing that will be covered in this module. You’ll see how to apply them directly to your business to leave the competition playing catch up.

Now you can have the same knowledge our clients have from setting up a YouTube channel the right way, understanding the small details, integrating with social media platforms, how to use YouTube for instant video traffic.
To start, you’ll have episodes that cover the basics such as understanding:
- Channel setup, design, bio, and descriptions
- Social stats, social tabs, subscribers and comments
- Analytics, trends, traffic sources and content engagement
- Video playlists, email, and transcription optimization
- Keywords, SEO, annotations, titles, and tags
Once you understand how YouTube works, we’ll go into YouTube video marketing and cover how to:
- Maximize keyword optimization and video search
- Make low budget videos that work to get maximum exposure
- Apply YouTube celebrity style practices to your channel
- Enhance your videos and call to actions with annotations
- Gain more subscribers, views, and traffic with built-in YouTube tools
- Integrate with apps, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and social media
- Use video ads and clickable external links
- Syndicate your videos for more views
- Create YouTube marketing funnels with our advanced case studies
- Successfully advertise on YouTube by mirroring our own client swipe files
- Keep your YouTube buzz going strong
- Create YouTube videos FAST and what to avoid
- Stay on track with video marketing blueprints and PDF checklists
You’ll also be able to simplify the technical part of YouTube with settings for:
- High Definition and quality playback hacks
- Getting the most out of your YouTube embed codes
- Knowing what export settings to use for high quality files
- Video settings for mixing photos and video properly
10: Media Content Delivery
Take advantage of our years of using video delivery networks to discover the most innovative ways to publish your video messages and ideas when delivering free or paid video to your audience.

You get access to the strategies, resources, recommended software, optimized settings, and profitable publishing techniques for delivering any type of media to your end user with simple to follow steps.
Whether you’re delivering video through iTunes podcasting, streaming live shows, or just publishing a simple series of videos to your audience, see how to:
- Delivering video in blogs and membership sites
- Publishing video through video delivery networks
- Securing your content of paid audio/video podcasts
- Creating multimedia based membership sites
- Securing the delivery of your video and podcast feed content
- Streaming all your video and using interactive video
- Adding live and webinar replay training for maximum exposure
- Keeping subscribers happy while they consume your videos
- Adding the “all-in-one click” video delivery tactics in your marketing
- Creating and marketing your own FREE iTunes Store podcasts
- The step-by-step approach we share with clients for media delivery
- Eliminating download link issues of your products for good
- Our step-by-step “email to podcasting” marketing strategies
Videos can take up loads of bandwidth so you’ll get access to our rolodex of recommended video delivery networks including the affordable, popular, and reliable Amazon S3/Cloudfront. With our “Complete Guide to Amazon S3″ you get step-by-step instructions to start publishing videos fast. You’ll see how to:
- Create, setup, upload, and organize videos
- Integrate Amazon Cloudfront distribution for faster video delivery
- Setup progressive download and or secure streaming cloudfront delivery
- Embed the right codes for true RTMP streaming video
11: Video Publishing Resources
You get unlimited, hands-on access to the resources and training we use to create great web video productions for our clients.

When you’re looking for lighting gear, camera equipment, editing software, or sound recording tools this module will come in handy for any budget. From creating simple video sales letters to professional talking heads we show you every element of the setup and every step you need to know. You get a head start on your videos created by making the right decision with:
- DSLR and High-Defintion cameras on different budgets
- Advanced video editing resources and training on Final Cut X
- Members only software for creating video sales letters
- Lighting, teleprompter, and microphone resources
- Video plugins for titles, special effects, graphics, and colorization
- DIY video tools like camera mounts, sliders, and shoulder rigs
- Hiring voice talent with our rolodex of voice talent we’ve used
- Desktop, mobile, and web-based video encoding software
If you have a video and want to add it to your site to generate leads, just use our video squeeze page templates or access our rolodex of WordPress video themes. You’ll have access to several different options including:
- Color choices for arrows, designs, and backgrounds
- Web 2.0 images for “Add To Cart”, “Tell-A-Friend”, and “Social Media”
- Complete sets of psd and source files
- Styles of design, professional looks, and with an overall clean feel
- Email opt-in placements, themed marketing fonts, and trigger elements
12: Video Profits System
We’ve created multiple 100k video producing businesses without a DIME in advertising using low overhead.

If you’d like to generate profits creating or outsourcing video for others, we’ll explain how to start your own web video production business, advertise for free, get clients to line up, and have them doing repeat business with you.
Go behind the scenes with us as we outline exactly how we built other 6 figure web video businesses from the ground up. In this module you’ll see exactly how to:
- Have a video creation side business, even if you’ve never uploaded a video
- Acquire new clients and how to add these services to your current business
- Market video to offline and local businesses using our step-by-step blueprint
- Know what kinds of video creation business models are right for you
- Leverage “packaged pricing” or “line item breakdown” payment strategies
- Easily convey the value and price points of your video services to clients
- Apply advanced video licensing strategies to videos you produce
- Create profit margins on popular video styles with streamlined workflows
- Outsource when you need to and how to negotiate with 3rd party vendors
- Duplicate the exact invoices, templates, and copy we use with clients
- Understand the “why” behind each step of our 6 figure marketing funnel
This bonus training contains the exact methods we’ve applied for 8 years that has created new and ongoing repeat customers. We’ve sold this training as a separate product but you’ll always have full access when logging in.